
Article Type: Technical Paper
Target Audience: Policymaker, Researcher, Practitioner
Publisher/Author: Partnership for Economic Inclusion
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Resources| Publication| April 29, 2022

PEI Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework (2021-2026)

Established in April 2019, The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) just completed a foundational period as a World Bank Group (WBG) Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). It is now moving into a period of consolidation, relying on an ambitious strategy charted for 2021–26. Because the overall direction and mission of PEI continues to be highly relevant to the existing poverty context and because PEI is entering its second phase, PEI finds it an appropriate time to pause to refine its results framework (RF) and the underlying theory of change (ToC) to improve its reporting and internal learning processes. The result of this six-month process is summarized in this document, which outlines PEI’s Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation (MEL) Framework for 2021–26.