
Date: Wed September 21, 2022 09:30:00 AM
Location: Online
Contact: Claudia Santamaria
Event| Webinar| Event| Starts: Wed September 21, 2022 09:30:00 AM - Ends: Wed September 21, 2022 11:00:00 AM

#9 PEI Open House | Making Markets More Inclusive

Economic Inclusion (EI) programs seek to support extremely poor and vulnerable individuals and households in increasing their incomes and assets and strengthening links to markets for inputs, labor, goods, and services is key to alleviate spatial-based poverty and to increase income-generating opportunities for program beneficiaries.

Governments are increasingly innovating to enable market access for the poor and vulnerable. This PEI Open House presented emerging experiences from Zambia (PEI Grantee) and other Governments and NGO programs on how EI programming addresses constraints beyond the household level for the extreme poor, particularly with respect to facilitating market access.

The webinar featured a thought-provoking discussion with representatives from the Government of Zambia, Village Enterprise, Mercy Corps, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Bank on lessons learned and the innovations and tools needed to identify necessary EI packages of support in linking beneficiaries to local and national markets. A vibrant Q&A followed.

In the webinar, PEI launched a PEI In Practice publication focusing on the review of what program designs have been used globally to support market linkages among rural micro and smallholder farmers, particularly women, and what is the context and main characteristics of the target population in which these programs are implemented. 


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