
Date: Mon December 13, 2021 09:30:00 AM
Location: Online
Contact: Claudia Santamaria
Event| Webinar| Event| Starts: Mon December 13, 2021 09:30:00 AM - Ends: Mon December 13, 2021 11:00:00 AM

#3 PEI Open House | Economic Inclusion at What Cost?

The objective of this session, co-hosted with Concern Worldwide, is to bring different perspectives on the importance of disaggregating program costs of multifaceted economic inclusion programs. Open to the public, the webinar will gather global and country experts to discuss the role of cost analysis to inform not just cost-effectiveness but also program design decisions. Additionally, the event will highlight that having reliable costing data offers considerable scope to further understand cost optimization of these complex interventions.

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