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  • COVID-19 and Female Entrepreneurship in Kenya

    Daniela Graney, Rebecca Smith and Elizabeth Koshy


    This evidence brief summarizes the results of the paper "Persistent yet Ameliorable COVID-19 Impacts on Female Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from Kenya". It highlights that these grants, when paired with business development services, increased women's daily work hours reducing time spent on domestic chores, leisure, and childcare.


    Graney, D., Smith, R., Koshy, E. 2024. COVID-19 and Female Entrepreneurship in Kenya. Evidence Brief. Innovations for Poverty Action

    Innovations for Poverty Action
  • The unjust climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth



    Heat stress is one of the many negative effects that climate change has on people living in poverty, especially women and youth in rural areas. A recent FAO report, The unjust climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on the rural poor, women and youth, is based on 70 years of data on rainfall and temperatures, and surveys of over 109,000 households across 24 countries worldwide.


    FAO. 2024. The unjust climate – Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc9680en

  • Migration Data Brief



    This Migration Data Brief presents a comprehensive overview of the socio-economic characteristics and integration outcomes of forcibly displaced populations in the Latin American OECD countries of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico, as well as Ecuador and Peru.


    OECD. 2024. Migration Data Brief.

  • Climate Adaptation Within Livelihoods and Poverty Programmes: Responding to Extreme Heat in India

    BRAC International and Mahila Housing Trust


    Adaptation efforts are needed as some estimate that climate shocks could push 50 million more people into extreme poverty by 2040. This paper presents how to integrate adaptive measures within rural and urban livelihoods programmes, especially programmes that are designed for the most vulnerable populations.


    BRAC International and Mahila Housing Trust. Climate Adaptation Within Livelihoods And Poverty Programmes: Responding to Extreme Heat in India

  • Innovating and Scaling with Governments: A practical guide

    Kate MacLeod and Mukta Joshi


    This guide from ideas42 provides actionable tips based on a decade of collaboration with governments to develop and scale light-touch behavioral interventions that enhance the impact of cash transfer programs.  


    MacLeod, K., Joshi, M. 2024. Innovating and Scaling with Governments: A practical guide. ideas42.

  • In Practice. Coaching in Economic Inclusion: Learning from Existing Models and Casting a Way Forward

    Shilohni Sumanthiran and Keetie Roelen


    Coaching is used in 90 percent of economic inclusion programs and is increasingly seen as a critical component of such interventions (Andrews et al. 2021). It is a cross-cutting element in economic inclusion programming, facilitating all other components of a program and facilitating the ‘human side’ of interventions by providing participants with the extra support and advice they need to take full advantage of program resources. This In Practice paper shares insights and lessons learned from a comprehensive literature review of economic inclusion interventions and their approach to coaching. It explores coaching along seven design parameters: scope of coaching, depth of coaching, type of coaching (individual versus group), level of engagement, caseload, staffing, and coaching tools.


    Sumanthiran, Shilohni; Roelen, Keetie. 2023. Coaching in Economic Inclusion: Learning from Existing Models and Casting a Way Forward. PEI in Practice; Volume 10.

    PEI InPractice
    Partnership for Economic Inclusion, World Bank
  • Improving Nutrition with the Graduation Approach: A Technical Learning Brief

    Mercy Corps and Catholic Relief Service


    The brief shares early results and learnings from an USAID-funded eight-year Resilience and Food Security Activity (RFSA) program that aims to achieve sustained reduction of acute malnutrition in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), particularly in Samburu, Turkana, Marsabit and Isiolo.


    Mercy Corps, Catholic Relief Service. 2023. Improving Nutrition with the Graduation Approach: A Technical Learning Brief

    Mercy Corps
  • The role of social protection in strengthening agrifood systems and inclusive rural transformation A case study of the Bangladesh enhanced coastal fisheries project (ECOFISH-BD)

    Julian May, Myriam Velia and Omar Benammour


    This paper examines the “Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh” project, an extension of the Hilsa Fishery Management Action Plan (HFMAP), which started early in 2005. The ECOFISH-BD started in 2014 and it to include aspects of a “graduation” approach by providing adaptive co-management of the resource, training, alternative livelihood opportunities and support to ensure the inclusion of women and youth in the protected areas.


    May, J., Velia, M. & Benammour, O. 2023. The role of social protection in strengthening agrifood systems and inclusive rural transformation – A case study of the Bangladesh enhanced coastal fisheries project (ECOFISH-BD). Rome, FAO.

  • The Enduring Impacts of a Big Push during Multiple Crises Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan

    Guadalupe Bedoya, Yulia Belyakova, Aidan Coville, Thomas Escande, Mohammad Isaqzadeh and Aminata Ndiaye


    This paper presents longer-term impacts of the multi-faceted intervention "Targeting the Ultra-Poor" (TUP) program in Afghanistan, after the country went through severe droughts in 2018 and 2021, suffer from escalating violence, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The results contribute to the evidence of multifaceted livelihoods programs in building resilience and maintaining and improving outcomes, despite adverse shocks. 


    Bedoya, Guadalupe; Belyakova, Yulia; Coville, Aidan; Escande, Thomas; Isaqzadeh, Mohammad; Ndiaye, Aminata. 2023. The Enduring Impacts of a Big Push during Multiple Crises: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan. Policy Research Working Papers; 10596.

    World Bank
  • Evidence for Responding to Displacement A Scoping Review of Rigorous Impact Evaluations

    Laura Benrey and Nessa Kenny


    This scoping review provides an overview of the growing evidence base from evaluations of programs for displaced populations, across 27 displacement-affected settings. These evaluations cover a range of topics and outcomes, including household welfare, food security, education, health, livelihoods, and social cohesion. In the livelihood's outcomes chapter, authors include information interventions, employment assistance and financial assistance.


    Benrey, Laura; Kenny, Nessa (2023). Evidence for Responding to Displacement A Scoping Review of Rigorous Impact Evaluations. Innovations for Poverty Action

    Innovations for Poverty Action