BY Economic Inclusion
October 26, 2021
Season 1 | Episode 1
What linkages do we need to make between economic inclusion programs and agri-food systems to help countries achieve the SDGs? Check out this first webinar of PEI Open House series, co-created and hosted with the Food and Agriculture Organization, to explore the intersection of food systems and economic inclusion programs. Our technical partner FAO lent its extensive expertise in rural poverty reduction, food security, nutrition, and inclusive rural development to our discussion of contributions that foster the necessary conceptual and programmatic linkages between economic inclusion and the transformation of agri-food systems to achieve the 2030 Agenda, and in particular SDG1, SDG2, SDG 8 and SDG10. The webinar gathered global and country experts to discuss linkages, and to better inform, following on the successful high-level 2021 Food Systems Summit, how to implement national pathways to transform food systems, leveraging the key role that economic inclusion programmes can play in reducing poverty.