Country Factsheet


This factsheet provides an overview of economic inclusion programs in India. Economic inclusion programs are a bundle of coordinated, multidimensional interventions that support individuals, households, and communities in raising their incomes and building their assets. The data used for this factsheet comes from the Partnership for Economic Inclusion’s Landscape Survey 2023.

Country Facts

South Asia
1,407.56 million
Income Group
Lower middle income
FCV country (WB FY24 list)
Poverty Headcount (share of population below the poverty line)
National Poverty Line
Multidimensional Poverty Index
$2.15/day (2017 PPP)


Number of economic inclusion programs
Institutional delivery (lead agency)
  • Nongovernment-led
  • Government-led
Geographic area
  • Rural only
  • Urban/peri
  • Mix (urban & rural)


Number of participants
Number of people benefiting
4.36 million
Participants served by government-led programs (%)

Main Program Objectives

Wage employment
Income diversification
Food security
Market access
Women's empowerment
Social inclusion
Social cohesion
Financial inclusion
Social services
Climate resilience
  • More than 2/3 of programs
  • Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
  • Fewer than 1/3 of programs

Participant Profile

Targeted Poverty Segments
Extreme poor
Those above the poverty line
Doesn't target by poverty level
Targeted Population Groups
Older people
Persons with disabilities
  • More than 2/3 of programs
  • Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
  • Fewer than 1/3 of programs


Business capital
Wage employment facilitation
Skills training
Financial services facilitation
Market links
Climate resilience support


Program Name Year program began Lead Agencies Program Description No. of Current Participants % Female Participants Poverty Targeting Digital
Building Climate Smart Integrated Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers in Damoh, Madhya Pradesh 2021 CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development The program supports small-holder farmers for their livelihood promotion. 9,000 1-25% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Climate Smart Agriculture for Tribal Women Farmers 2023 Tapananda Rural Development Society The program introduces three poly greenhouses with vertical farming facilities, provides saplings and seeds, and establishes women's self-help groups for targeted tribal communities. 150 All (100% of participants are female) Targets XP/UP only Yes
Economic Empowerment of Ultrapoor Persons with Disabilities 2022 Sightsavers India The project aims to improve the livelihoods and social inclusion of people with disabilities. 1,000 Does not target by poverty level Yes
Empowering Smallholder Farmers through Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Water Harvesting and Conservation Methods in Bathinda, Punjab 2021 CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development The program empowers smallholder farmers by promoting sustainable agriculture and water harvesting and water conservation. 9,000 26-50% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Empowering Smallholder Farmers through Strengthening Agri & Allied Clusters in Chhota Udepur, Gujarat 2021 CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development The program supports the livelihood promotion of smallholder farmers 6,000 26-50% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Farmer Field and Business School 2022 CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development The project improves agricultural and livestock management practices through the inclusion of climate-smart agriculture, access to finance, market literacy, and nutrition-sensitive agriculture. 8,000 51-75% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Meghalaya Community-Led Landscapes Management Project 2018 Meghalaya Basin Development Agency The program aims to institutionalize a community-led natural resources conservation model applying a landscape-based approach for green, resilient, and inclusive development. 30,000 26-50% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Mobile Connections to Promote Women's Economic Empowerment 2016 Trickle Up India Foundation The program supports participants in transitioning to sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods, characterized by increased income, integration into social and economic structures, and social status, through the provision of entrepreneurial training and promoting individual and group enterprises. 2,800 All (100% of participants are female) Targets XP/UP only Yes
Partnering to Scale Up Graduation with Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society 2015 Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) The program promotes sustainable livelihoods by connecting women to markets, strengthening the capacity of coaches and enhancing data-driven decision-making. 18,100 All (100% of participants are female) Targets XP/UP only Yes
Fisheries Sector COVID-19 Recovery Project 2023 Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying The project provides performance grants to microenterprises in the fishery sector for the expansion of value chains and reduction of fish losses, and to micro and small enterprises to supply safe fish products to domestic consumers. The project supports job creation, enhanced climate resilience, improved hygiene and pollution management. Targets poor broadly Yes
The Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana (SJY) program 2018 Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (Jeevika), Government of Bihar SJY leverages Jeevika's community network to provide ultra-poor households in Bihar with sequential components, namely productive assets, training, coaching, savings access, and consumption support. 155,000 All (100% of participants are female) Targets poor broadly Yes
State of Maharashtra's Agriculture and Rural Transformation Project 2019 Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra The project aims to support the development of inclusive and competitive agriculture value chains by expanding access to new markets with complementary investments in technical services and risk management capabilities. It focuses on small-holder farmers and agri-entrepreneurs. 180,000 26-50% of participants Does not target by poverty level Yes
Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project 2017 Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Society (TNRTS) The program promotes sustainability and prosperity through rural enterprise development, access to finance, and employment opportunities. 432,191 51-75% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Targeting the Hardcore Poor (THP) 2006 Bandhan Konnagar The program is a micro-enterprise-based poverty alleviation model that targets ultra-poor women households in rural and semi-urban areas, to ensure social and financial inclusion and improved incomes, consumption, and assets. 65,000 All (100% of participants are female) Targets XP/UP only Yes
Tejaswini: Socioeconomic empowerment of adolescent girls and young women in Jharkhand 2016 Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS), under the Department of Women, Child Development and Social Services (DWCDSS) The program aims to improve market-driven skills training and secondary education completion through community and institutional interventions such as counseling, life, vocational and business skill training, and livelihood services. 30,000 All (100% of participants are female) Does not target by poverty level Yes
Ultra-Poor Market Access (UPMA) 2021 Trickle Up The program aims to integrate Farmer Interest Groups into well-functioning Farmer Producer Organizations that prioritize poorer women farmers and unlock government capital to address capital constraints faced by smaller farmer collectives. 1,016 All (100% of participants are female) Targets XP/UP only Yes
Zoe Empowers 2021 Jeevanadh Charitable Trust The program empowers orphaned children and vulnerable youth through a family-based and peer-led program that promotes safety, health, and skills for long-term success. 2,260 51-75% of participants Targets XP/UP only Yes
Zoe Empowers 2009 Zoe India The program empowers orphaned children and vulnerable youth through a family-based and peer-led program that promotes safety, health, and skills for long-term success. 2,971 51-75% of participants Targets XP/UP only Yes

Only programs that have given their consent to share their program data are included in this table

The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) is a global platform that unites non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, research institutions, funding partners, and the World Bank to support government adoption and scale up of economic inclusion programs that empower vulnerable people to lift themselves out of extreme poverty.

DNA: Does Not Apply; FY: Fiscal Year; FCV: Fragility, Conflict, and Violence; MPI: Multidimensional Poverty Index; NPL: National Poverty Line; N/A: Not available; WB: World Bank