Country Factsheet
This factsheet provides an overview of economic inclusion programs in Benin. Economic inclusion programs are a bundle of coordinated, multidimensional interventions that support individuals, households, and communities in raising their incomes and building their assets. The data used for this factsheet comes from the Partnership for Economic Inclusion’s Landscape Survey 2023.
Country Facts
Sub-Saharan Africa
13.00 million
Income Group
Lower middle income
FCV country (WB FY24 list)
Poverty Headcount (share of population below the poverty line)
National Poverty Line
Multidimensional Poverty Index
$2.15/day (2017 PPP)
Number of economic inclusion programs
3Institutional delivery (lead agency)
- Nongovernment-led
- Government-led
Geographic area
- Rural only
- Urban/peri
- Mix (urban & rural)
Number of participants
26,835Number of people benefiting
139,180Participants served by government-led programs (%)
1.07%Main Program Objectives
- More than 2/3 of programs
- Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
- Fewer than 1/3 of programs
Participant Profile
Targeted Poverty Segments
Targeted Population Groups
- More than 2/3 of programs
- Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
- Fewer than 1/3 of programs


Business capital

Wage employment facilitation

Skills training


Financial services facilitation

Market links

Climate resilience support
Program Name | Year program began | Lead Agencies | Program Description | No. of Current Participants | % Female Participants | Poverty Targeting | Digital |
Agricultural Competitiveness and Export Diversification Project | 2020 | Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries | The project aims to help local producers gain a competitive edge in selected agricultural markets through a range of policy and investment instruments. | 18,000 | 26-50% of participants | Does not target by poverty level | Yes |
Gazetted Forests Management Project | 2019 | General Directorate of Water and Forests and Hunting | The project aims to improve the integrated management of targeted gazetted forests, increase access of the main consumption cities to sustainably produced fuelwood, and strengthen non-timber forest product value chains for forest-dependent communities. | 4,500 | 26-50% of participants | Targets poor broadly | Yes |
The Azoli program, supported by the World Bank's Youth Inclusion Project | 2021 | National Employment Agency | The program offers a comprehensive set of wage- and self-employment services to under-employed and under-educated youth. The program focuses on including female-participants and youth from regions with high risks of radicalization. | 4,335 | 26-50% of participants | Does not target by poverty level | Yes |
Only programs that have given their consent to share their program data are included in this table

The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) is a global platform that unites non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, research institutions, funding partners, and the World Bank to support government adoption and scale up of economic inclusion programs that empower vulnerable people to lift themselves out of extreme poverty.
DNA: Does Not Apply; FY: Fiscal Year; FCV: Fragility, Conflict, and Violence; MPI: Multidimensional Poverty Index; NPL: National Poverty Line; N/A: Not available; WB: World Bank |