
Developing Sustainable Livelihoods through Value Chain Linkages
Provide technical and operational support to Government of the Republic of Zambia to develop operational techniques to enable growth of women-led household and micro enterprises in poor communities to move from ‘survival mode’ to ‘opportunity mode’ through upstream value chain linkages.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2019 - 2022
- Grant Amount $180,000
- Direct Reach 139,351 households
The grant enabled the development of assessments and operational guidelines to establish value chain linkages for beneficiaries of the Supporting Women’s Livelihood (SWL) component (for example, a summary of Value Chain Business Models and an Operational Manual to guide the implementation of the economic inclusion intervention). Also, the World Bank team facilitated linkages between the GEWEL and Zambia Agribusiness and Trade Project, two economic inclusion-related interventions that had not traditionally worked together, expanding their joint capacity to boost economic growth for women’s led household and micro-enterprises.
Women's Economic Empowerment, Urban