
Developing Innovative Economic Inclusion Programming for Ultra-Poor Households
Provide technical and operational support to the Government of Malawi to build economic inclusion implementation capacity and enhance the design of livelihoods packages for extremely poor households benefiting from Social Cash Transfer and Public Works Programs.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2019 - 2022
- Grant Amount $180,000
- Direct Reach 345,742 households
The grant has strengthened the government’s capacity to implement improved designs of the economic inclusion intervention. The grant fostered the growth and scaling up of livelihood support interventions through additional resources contemplated for SSRLP as part of crisis response. Also, the grant facilitated a collaborative in-country impact evaluation design of the economic inclusion intervention to generate rigorous evidence for further scale up. Technical assistance supported knowledge products that significantly shaped an efficient delivery approach for the intervention. The products range from an assessment of the livelihoods training curriculum, M&E systems, and functionality of the MIS, to the development of livelihood Training of Trainers Manual and the review of the graduation operational guidelines. The production of those critical tools was followed by workshops to guarantee effective implementation.
Climate, Urban