
Scaling Up Gender-Sensitive Economic Inclusion Programs for Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development in Fiji
Carry out analytical and advisory activities to inform the Government of Fiji’s efforts in recovering from COVID-19 by scaling up gender-sensitive economic inclusion programs for green, resilient and inclusive development in Fiji.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2021 - 2024
- Grant Amount $250,000
- Direct Reach 5,300 households
After delays due to national elections in 2022, the grant-funded activities were completed with a few changes. The grant supported a diagnostic report for the Welfare Graduation Program to inform the economic inclusion framework and strategy. Although the World Bank team successfully contracted a firm to develop training materials on financial literacy and skills development, the piloting phase of the materials could not proceed due to limited engagement from the ministry, resulting in the activity remaining incomplete. However, the team was able to redirect some of the grant to support a community-based green public works program called Jobs for Nature 2.0 and funded a study to inform the choice of skills training and identify options for digital public works modalities to enhance the program’s gender impact. Unutilized funds were returned to PEI.
Climate, Women's Economic Empowerment