Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo
Economic Inclusion for Refugees Pilot
Inform the design of an economic inclusion program that responds to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of refugees that are STEP (DRC Eastern Recovery Project) beneficiaries.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2021 - 2024
- Grant Amount $250,000
- Direct Reach 167,680 households
Despite delays due to a change in the implementing agency for the STEP project, the World Bank team completed all grant activities. The grant supported an analysis of best practices for integrating displaced populations into economic inclusion programs, and the results were shared with the government to inform the design of three pilots to support refugees and internally displaced people in DRC. The World Bank team also developed an operations manual on implementing economic inclusion for refugees and training materials to build the capacity of the government to guide beneficiaries with enterprise management, financial inclusion, nutrition behavior change, and addressing gender-based violence.
Women's Economic Empowerment, Displacement, Climate