
Enhancing Youth Economic Inclusion and Women’s Empowerment
Support the government of Benin (i) to increase learning on women’s empowerment to advance the economic inclusion agenda and (ii) to introduce gender-responsive innovations in its national economic inclusion program as well as strengthen its capacities to deliver the Azôli program.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2021 - 2023
- Grant Amount $250,000
- Direct Reach 8,618 households
The grant supported two qualitative studies, one that identified women’s constraints to accessing markets and wage employment, and another that assessed the impact of the Benin Youth Employment Project (P132667). The results will inform the additional financing of the Benin Youth Inclusion Project (P181474). The grant also supported technical assistance on the design of a gender-responsive Azôli economic inclusion program that provides childcare services. Other grant-financed activities that were completed include a process evaluation of the Azôli program, capacity-building of government employment agents, and technical support to develop operational tools, a gender plan, and an M&E system for the program.
Women's Economic Empowerment, Urban, Youth, Climate