
Evidence-based approach to ensuring success of economic inclusion programs in FCV settings
Strengthen capacity in evidence-based decision making for economic inclusion interventions in FCV settings through a combination of rigorous co-produced operational research with program implementers and structured support to help implementing partners translate this research into operational decisions.
- Grant Status Closed
- Grant Period 2020 - 2022
- Grant Amount $180,000
- Direct Reach 12,698 households
The grant-funded activities have helped produce significant additional research evaluating the impact of graduation programs in settings of multiple concurrent crises (pandemic, droughts, escalating violence). The research included an impact evaluation exploring seasonal dynamics and long-term impacts of graduation programs in fragile settings. The team also developed a women’s empowerment research framework to measure gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Targeting the Ultra-Poor context. The experience gained by the team will be used to develop and disseminate a toolkit for data collecting in FCV settings.
Women's Economic Empowerment, Displacement